After 3 years of booking the McMurdo Hut for a season opener in December, we decided to give it a try in January, hoping for a deeper snow pack and more skiable terrain. We did our best to recruit some friends, but at the 11th hour ended up being the only ones heading into the hut for the weekend. We drove to Golden on Thursday night to ensure an early start into the hut Friday morning. After a wrong turn down an active haul road that I don't think existed last time we came in (not recommended), we made it to to the staging area at 21km up the Spillimacheen FSR by 8:30 am. From there, it was a quick rip up by sled the road to the McMurdo FSR before turning just after 56km to take the 2km trail to the McMurdo Hut.
Bundled up and ready to sled |